
A key priority for PHCC is to build research capacity, in terms of both the generation of research and its utilisation. The department of clinical research contributes to this by supporting PHCC staff enhance their skills and competencies to conduct impactful research that is useful.

The department’s capacity-building initiatives offer opportunities across a range of experience levels and further help developing PHCC’s community of researchers. The capacity building and support initiatives offered by the department of clinical research are listed below.

1. LMS 365 module

To view all current research support initiative available to PHCC staff, please click here. click here.


2. Research Networking Program

Potential investigators, within or outside PHCC, who have a research idea and seek support or collaboration in executing a project can contact the department. The department will review requirements and identify resources to support and facilitate the research project. If you would like to request for research support or collaboration, please submit a completed research support request form.


3. Collaborative Institutional Training (CITI) Program

All individuals planning to undertake research in Qatar are required to demonstrate a basic knowledge of human research ethics, regulations, laws and local policies. The CITI program offers research, ethics, and compliance training courses. PHCC has subscribed to mandatory and some optional CITI program courses. Staff can access CITI program courses here.

To meet the requirements of PHCC’s IRB submission all research team members must complete either one of the following courses:

  1.   Biomedical (Biomed) Comprehensive (14 modules)
  2.   Social-Behavioral-Educational (SBE) Comprehensive (9 modules)

Depending on the specific nature of the research project, completion of additional courses may be requested by the research office. If applicable, this will be communicated separately.

For instructions on how to register click here. To download a registration guide, click here. For FAQs click here.


4. Research to Publication Program (RtP)

RtP is a research methodology programme available to all PHCC staff interested in healthcare research, brought to you by British Medical Journal (BMJ) in collaboration with University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).

The program focuses entirely on development of clinical research skills for early career researchers and is delivered via an e-learning platform. BMJ's research editors and UCSF's academics guide learners through the entire research life cycle from designing a study, to its publication in an international peer-reviewed journal.

RtP consisting of 8 courses (52 modules) with 200+ hours of learning. Of these 8 modules have been identified as essential for PHCC staff (see user guide appendix 1 for details of the core modules)

To get started:

  1.   Please click here to visit the RtP home page
  2.   On the top right of the RtP home page, click 'Register'. This will take you to the registration page where you must choose the option to register without an access code. (see user guide for details)*
  3.   Once registration is completed, log in to access modules.

Certificates of completion are available at both module and course levels. CPD credits are available from QCHP, for this activity, for those who complete the core modules.

*Registration for Research to Publication courses is restricted to PHCC network and email address. Once registration is completed courses can be accessed anywhere.


5. Research Methodology Masterclass

The department of clinical research provides an 8-week CPD accredited research methodology masterclass bi-annually. The training provides experiential learning wherein PHCC staff are supported in developing their research idea into a research proposal under the guidance of experienced colleagues.

E-mail announcements will be shared with all PHCC staff when enrolment for the masterclass is opened. Interested individuals can registering themselves to express interest. It must be noted that completion of the 8 essential RtP modules and submission of a research idea are mandatory to be eligible for the masterclass.